devilsfoodcake's Articles
December 2, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
this whole blog is dedicated to my sweet sweet kitty summer breeze..i am just crazy about my cat as you can tell by the site i have built in her honor...all my life i always had dogs. she is my first cat and what a challenge she is! she is moody and fickle and snotty and beautiful!! she has me trained so well that when i get up and even get close to the kitchen she has to have a treat..she demands one and u will hear about it if you don't let her have some.. she is very vocal and full of atti...
December 1, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
Well happy monday to all.. I had to leave work early today due to some serious dizziness.. I am pretty sure i have vetigo again from an inne r ear infection. ughhhhhhhh.. Oh well I shouldn't be surprised..This happens just about every year. This weekend was a blast..Too short of course. well at least my christmas tree is up...
November 26, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. a long weekend with a holiday thrown right in the middle.. what more could u ask for....actually today was i thinking about what i have to be thankful for.. which is alot really. i think the fast pace of life and the constant need to outdo the next person makes us lose perspective sometimes.... you see i work at a pharmacy.. and there are people trying to get there prescriptions filled fast with the holiday coming.. people that need them just to stay alive .. its reall...
November 24, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
well i got my first nasty response.. perhaps i misunderstood the whole pupose of this.. an outlet, a way to get things of your chest and thoughts out of your head.. so sorry if i sound a bit down due to my lack of finances..and in response to the comment .no i don't need a man or laid.. i have one ..thanks but on a cheery note.. things are going and i am happy for the short week.. it will be nice to relax with friends and family...hope the bad weather can hold off a little longer...we had our...
November 23, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. i just realized that i have absolutley no money saved up or any money budgeted at all for chrsitmas.. none zip zero zilch....... and to make matters worse i get to pay for a mistake i made last year... don't drink and drive!!! i need a raise , a secopnd job , and i need to start pick pocketing... i am sooo poor.. well not really poor but i don't have as much money as i'd like.. nor will i ever.. i recently started playing the lottery...i know i have a snowballs chance in h...
November 22, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
i find it very odd how warm the weather has been in pittsburgh lately.... 65 in november??? is this from all those years of aqua net hairspray?? i feel like i have contributed to the delinquency of our ozone.. guilt guilt.. i should be happy its been so mild but at the same time i feel scared i may have to wear some sun protection suit when i am an old lady...... and will me children be fried?? or forced to live underground?? i need to do some beading...before i drive myslef crazy trying to ...
November 21, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
i feel like i am one of those 30 somethings trying desperately to hang onto my youth.. and when i say youth i mean late teens early twenties...i know i am still young but the 30 transition wasn't that easy for me... it presented many more social issues than i when your 30 you should be responsible, married have a kid or two and pay your bills on time.. in your twenties that kind of irresponsibilty gets laughed off and people figure you'll if you act that way its just d...
November 20, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
i should have learned my lesson..about loaning a friend money but i didn't.. i "fronted" a friend money and am now getting the big run around.. i have no money for rent..i have no money for bills but i can buy sushi all week and go clubbin'... ok.. and then i am going to get mad at you for oh so nicely asking for the money.. and tell you i don't feel its a priority to pay you back and you just have to deal with it.. what a pleasant way to spend your work day...... wanting to choke someone all da...
November 19, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
cake says: greetings fellow bloggers.... wet and rainy in pittsburgh today with winter approaching fast.... this will be a great way for me to sound off and not offend those around me.. hopefully... todays thought is toxic people.. how do we let them into our lives?? scary thing is that once they are in its so hard to get rid of them.. you know any "lil dirty secret" is sure to be used against you.. when all u want to say is f&^% you.. i need to rid myself of a rather bothersome one while ...
November 19, 2003 by devilsfoodcake
cake says: greetings fellow bloggers.... wet and rainy in pittsburgh today with winter approaching fast.... this will be a great way for me to sound off and not offend those around me.. hopefully... todays thought is toxic people.. how do we let them into our lives?? scary thing is that once they are in its so hard to get rid of them.. you know any "lil dirty secret" is sure to be used against you.. when all u want to say id f&^% you.. i need to rid myself of a rather bothersome some while...