hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..whats the big deal??
Published on November 24, 2003 By devilsfoodcake In Misc
well i got my first nasty response.. perhaps i misunderstood the whole pupose of this.. an outlet, a way to get things of your chest and thoughts out of your head.. so sorry if i sound a bit down due to my lack of finances..and in response to the comment .no i don't need a man or laid.. i have one ..thanks

but on a cheery note.. things are going and i am happy for the short week.. it will be nice to relax with friends and family...hope the bad weather can hold off a little longer...we had our first official snow here today... i guess no matter how much you think u r ready..youre not.. ok i am off sex and the city is on!!!

on Nov 24, 2003
I wouldnt sweat bad comments. It's part of the fun!
on Nov 24, 2003
thanks... i am new at this and was a little shocked i got attacked so soon in the game...
on Nov 25, 2003
I see u were afraid to post my comments, cant take a little criticism? Thats what blogging is all about. If u are bitching so much, maybe u need a new man to make u happy. If u can't take the heat-------
on Nov 25, 2003
ok rocky.. if it makes u feel allll manly i will post your trolling comment.. there.. happy?? good luck on your man hunt....