Published on November 19, 2003 By devilsfoodcake In Welcome
cake says:
greetings fellow bloggers.... wet and rainy in pittsburgh today with winter approaching fast.... this will be a great way for me to sound off and not offend those around me.. hopefully...

todays thought is toxic people.. how do we let them into our lives?? scary thing is that once they are in its so hard to get rid of them.. you know any "lil dirty secret" is sure to be used against you.. when all u want to say id f&^% you.. i need to rid myself of a rather bothersome some while doing damage control at the same time.. any thoughts???

i love making beaded jewerly.. anyone with a cool site please share.. warm thoughts and wishes.....til next time....
on Nov 22, 2003
It's impossible to gracefully get rid of toxic have to cut them out of your life...and they won't go easily...sometimes come back and bugger the hell out of you some more. But hang tight and be consistent in pushing the garbage out the door. By the way, don't worry about the damage control can't fix that and it will be used against you. And sweetie, we all have dirty secrets, so there ain't no shame there.

My advice, meet the problem head on and it will go away faster.
on Nov 22, 2003
a funny thing about that.. the person that refused to pay her debt was spending all of her "extra money" on extravagant lunches.... she gave me back my money friday witha bad attitude attached..... then she goes to eat her fabulous lunch only to find it laced with hair!!!! apparently the chef gave her a little more than just the ususal sushi fixings.. she was sooooo grossed out she had to leave work... what goes around............